
From Devon Brooks

Do I Need Leadership Coaching? Leadership coaching is an excellent resource and should be considered an essential tool in the manager's toolbox.
The short answer is yes. Managing a team or occupying a leadership position does not automatically make you a leader. Skilled leading requires the ability “to connect, motivate, and inspire a sense of ownership of shared objectives“ (1). To lead well also “requires a continuous journey of personal development” (1). You must be able to weather change, cultivate self-awareness, and ultimately nurture leadership in your employees.
Leadership is a skill that can be developed and honed by anyone.
One’s ability to lead doesn’t just appear with a new job title, and to the frustration of many, some managers simply lack this skill. Fortunately, leadership is a skill that can be developed and honed by anyone.Whether you manage a team of two or hold an executive role, leadership coaching is an excellent resource and should be considered an essential tool in the manager’s toolbox. Here are some of the things working with a leadership coach can help you accomplish.Cultivate self-awareness and determine your leadership style.So, what is your leadership style? Have you actively considered how you lead and interact with others? Perhaps you’ve been leading for a while or you are looking to step into a new leadership position. Whether you’ve thought about it a lot or a little, you do have a leadership style. A leadership coach will help you identify

what your leadership style is

and where there is room for growth. They can also support you in developing the key markers of a leader such as competence, confidence, and empathy (2). During your session, you will get to answer powerful questions and dive into reflections that will help you deepen your level of self-awareness and ultimately uncover who you are - both as a leader and as a person.
When was the last time you had somebody’s full attention on you?
Notice your blindspots and gain an objective, third-party perspective.When was the last time you had somebody’s full attention on you? Someone who can hold all of your worries, goals, frustrations, and assumptions with the keen eye of objectivity? For many people, especially leaders, a coaching session is sometimes the only safe place to talk honestly about anything. A coaching session allows for incredibly generative conversations where a coach can provide alternative perspectives, point out blind spots, and offer objective reflections that are all intending to help you become your highest self. No agenda. No bs.Gain confidence and overcome Imposter Syndrome.Have you’ve ever doubted your seat at the table? Or maybe you felt like you don’t belong in your position or team? Or perhaps you are worried that you don’t deserve your latest promotion? According to a recent paper by Sakulku, J., you’re among 70% of people who report experiencing Imposter Syndrome (IS) at some point in their careers (3).While people experience IS for different reasons, the continued experience can negatively impact your career and personal life. When you have trouble internalizing your successes, a leadership coach will help you unpack your emotions and hidden narratives that may be at the root of feelings of impostor syndrome. You’ll also have the opportunity to pinpoint your strengths, celebrate successes, and build new narratives that will allow you to move forward with confidence.
70% of people report experiencing Imposter Syndrome (IS) at some point in their careers
Handle chaos and change, and work through challenges.We are amidst a time of ever-increasing “disruptive change“ (4). Organizations and communities require their leaders to proactively brace for change. Always be ready to pivot.Versatility, “the capacity to read and respond to change“ (5), is one of the most important qualities of leading effectively. Core to versatility in leadership is bringing out the best in one’s team and focusing on key organizational priorities. An expert leadership coach is there to help you zoom in and zoom out. They’re your thinking partner to help make sense of the chaos. They are your guide as you create cultures of innovation within your team and your company.

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  1. Valcour, M. (2020, November 4).

    Anyone Can Learn to be a Better Leader

    . Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 13, 2021, from https://hbr.org/2020/11/anyone-can-learn-to-be-a-better-leader.
  2. Peterson, S. J., Abramson, R., & Stutman, R. K. (2020).

    How to Develop Your Leadership Style

    . Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 26, 2021, from https://hbr.org/2020/11/how-to-develop-your-leadership-style.
  3. Sakulku, J. (1). The Impostor Phenomenon.

    The Journal of Behavioral Science



    (1), 75-97. https://doi.org/10.14456/ijbs.2011.6
  4. Christensen, C. M., & Overdorf, M. (2000).

    Meeting the Challenge of Disruptive Change

    . Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 14, 2021, from https://hbr.org/2000/03/meeting-the-challenge-of-disruptive-change.
  5. Kaiser, R. B. (2021, August 30).

    The Best Leaders Are Versatile Ones

    . Harvard Business Review. Retrieved October 12, 2021, from https://hbr.org/2020/03/the-best-leaders-are-versatile-ones.
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